Original Type A-2 jacket. Manufactured by Rough Wear Clothing Co. size 40













Original Type A-2 jacket.
Manufactured by Rough Wear Clothing. size 40
CONTRACT NO. W535 AC-27752

Leather is in good condition. There is some wear on the finish, but it does not interfere with wearing. The zipper is nickel TALON. It works well and is in very good condition. The knit rib on the sleeves and waist is also good. Some have small holes.

I still have the tags. The lining is fragile cotton broadcloth, so there are tears in each part. For those who value the original condition, it is not repaired, but it is possible to repair everything with a real cotton broadcloth (using parts from a real A-2 jacket) before delivery. A deadline is required for repairs.

The aircraft depicted on the back is believed to be a Martin B-26 Marauder.
The front patch is 52nd Troop Carrier Wing 52d Troop Carrier Wing patch.

52nd Troop Carrier Wing The 52d Troop Carrier Wing (52 TCW) served as a unit that transported paratroopers and towed gliders transporting airborne infantry.

Her most famous operation was the drop of paratroopers in Normandy in June 1944, after which she carried out numerous missions to bring reinforcements and necessary supplies.
During the Dutch Airborne Raids (Operation Market Garden) in September 1944, the 50th dropped paratroopers, towed gliders, and flew resupply missions.

Some of his units also participated in the invasion of southern France in August 1944. The 50th Division towed fully loaded gliders near Bastogne on 27 December 1944 and assisted the 101st Airborne Division in the Battle of the Bulge.

After that, not only transport operations for airborne infantry units, but also numerous aerial resupply and wounded rescue flights were carried out. She returned to the United States until 1946 when she was deactivated.

After returning to the United States, the force was reorganized and the 394th Bombardment Group was redesignated as the 106th Bombardment Group and assigned to the New York Air National Guard on May 24, 1946. The 106th Bombardment Group was assigned to the 52nd Fighter Wing of the New York State Air National Guard, the reorganized former 52nd Troop Carrier Wing.

The group was assigned the 106th and 114th Bomb Squadrons, both armed with B-26 attack bombers. Its mission was to train the B-26 proficiency and prepare the aircraft for operation. Many of the pilots in charge of operation and training were veteran pilots who had actual combat experience in Europe.

Many of the 52nd Air Force Wing's pilots and maintenance personnel had experienced wartime missions, so readiness was very high, and the aircraft was much better maintained than its US Air Force counterparts. . Pilots often appeared on site and were able to check and fly the aircraft. The unit also conducted regular military drills to maintain proficiency, and is said to have often performed at least as well as, or better than, active-duty U.S. Air Force units in artillery and bombing contests. .

After engaging in an airborne infantry transport mission in Europe, it is believed that the unit returned to the United States and was assigned to the B-26 training operation mission as it was, and the illustration of the B-26 on the back may have been drawn around that time.
It may also have been painted after or during decommissioning, or painted as it was subsequently worn for service in the Korean War.

Size 40

18" Shoulders
22" Chest
24" Arms
23" Overall Length

オリジナル Type A-2 ジャケット。
CONTRACT NO. W535 AC-27752

マテリアルはホースレザー ブラウンフィニッシュ。レザーの状態は良好です。フィニッシュ落ちは一部に見られますが着用に支障のある状態ではありません。



フロントパッチは、52nd Troop Carrier Wing 第52兵員輸送航空団のパッチです。

「52nd Troop Carrier Wing」第52兵員輸送航空団 (52 TCW)は空挺部隊将兵を輸送したり、空挺歩兵を輸送するグライダーを牽引する部隊として活動しました。

ヨーロッパにおける同部隊の作戦としては、1944 年 6 月に空挺部隊をノルマンディーに降下させ、その後兵員増援支援と必要な物資を運ぶための輸送任務などがあげられます。
1944 年 9 月のオランダ空挺攻撃 (マーケット ガーデン作戦) 中に同部隊は空挺部隊を降下させ、グライダーを曳航し、さらに補給物資輸送任務を行いました。


米国に帰還後、部隊の再編成が行われ、部隊はニューヨーク州空軍州兵第 52 戦闘航空団として組織されます。その際、第 394 爆撃グループが第 106 爆撃グループとして再指定され、1946 年 5 月 24 日にニューヨーク空軍州兵に割り当てられました。この第 106 爆撃グループは、再編成された旧52兵員輸送航空団である、ニューヨーク州空軍州兵第 52 戦闘航空団に配属されました。

このグループには第 106 爆撃飛行隊と第 114 爆撃飛行隊が割り当てられ、どちらも B-26爆撃機を装備しました。その任務は、B-26 の熟練度を訓練し航空機の運用準備を整えることでした。運用や訓練を担当したパイロットの多くがヨーロッパで実戦を経験したベテランパイロットたちでした。




肩幅 46cm
身幅 54cm
着丈 58cm
袖丈 62cm





  • ゆうパック



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